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The user understands that any changes made to his or her personal computer or systems based on recommendations provided by the Clerk’s Office or by Harris Recording Solutions are made at the user’s own risk and may affect the performance or operation of other programs or of the user’s entire system. Users should confer with their own technical support before making changes to assure that such changes are in compliance with their own policies and that they will not adversely affect computer performance.

Having problems Searching or Viewing Images?

How do I contact the county for support or concerns or feedback?

What are the minimum requirements to run this website?

How do I enable cookies?

How do I enable javascript?

How do I turn on PDF Viewer in Chrome browser?

How do I disable pop-up blocker for Acclaim Web in Internet Explorer 8 browser? (If having problems viewing images or Printing)

How do I disable pop-up blocker for Acclaim Web in Internet Explorer 9 browser? (If having problems viewing images or Printing)

How do I disable pop-up blocker for Acclaim Web in Chrome browser? (If having problems viewing images or Printing)

How do I disable pop-up blocker for Acclaim Web in Firefox browser? (If having problems viewing images or Printing)

How do I disable pop-up blocker for Acclaim Web in Safari browser? (If having problems viewing images or Printing)

How do I disable pop-up blocker for Acclaim Web in the Google Toolbar? (If having problems viewing images or Printing)

How do I resize the search result columns?

How do I print the document details page?

How do I print a search report?

How do I adjust the zoom rate in my browser? (If having trouble viewing search results)

How do I clear the temporary internet files/cache in Internet Explorer?